Since God is everywhere…
Some religion writers wonder….does God tweet?
Thanks to new digital technologies, you can ‘tweet’ prayers via Twitter to the Western Wall or prayer requests to the Church of the Holy Sepulchre. You can pray the rosary or pray the hours from your laptop. You can participate in worship services and discuss holy texts via Facebook. You can create and join faith communities on Second Life. Are social media tools a blessing or a curse for people of faith? Should we use digital technology to commune with the divine? Does God tweet?
They asked the opinion of a selected panel. Some choice snips…
Jesus spoke in tweets before tweets became cool, if by tweets one means short messages.
Yes, says Robert Parham, Jesus would Tweet, and warn of the temptation of technology.
Richard Mouw says:
For those of us who believe that God does speak to us today through such vehicles as church teaching, the Bible, and conscience, there is nothing really offensive about the idea of getting short and snappy messages from the Divine.
Rabbi David Steinsaltz says
The importance is not in the media, but in the sender of the message. When there is a prayer or a question that has very little meaning to the person who asks it, then the vehicle by which insignificant prayers move from place to place is also unimportant.
Insignificant prayers?
Susan Jocoby:
I have no doubt that the latest message from God sounds like tweeting to believers.
I have no doubt that if St. Paul were here today, he’d be blogging, tweeting, Facebooking, broadcasting…
By all means.