So let it be done
Seems like every wish President Obama has, for appointments or legislation or policy changes, need only be expressed somehow to Congress and quickly and quietly, it gets done.
Recall that Sen. Dianne Feinstein expressed surprise and some serious concerns over Obama’s choice of Leon Panetta to head the CIA. Practically overnight, Feinstein (who chairs the Senate Intelligence Committee), accepted the appointment with no resistence.
Remember that Sen. Harry Reid declared emphatically that the Senate would not confirm anyone Gov. Rod Blagojevich might name to fill Barack Obama’s there, once the governor was accused of corruption and his alleged efforts to sell that seat were under investigation. That quickly changed to nice press conferences with Reid and newly appointed senator Roland Burris (who Reid flattered) presumably after the White House expressed interest in settling the matter.
Of course, there’s the stimulus package, over 1,000 pages of dense language designating how the largest spending program in US history will be doled out, and the president insisted it be voted on urgently and sent to his desk without enough time for anyone to read the bill. The Senate delivered.
So now President Obama expresses his opposition to the Fairness Doctrine. Though NRO’s Media Blog poses the question of whether his opposition will be enough to stop the Democratic majority in Congress from pushing it……you have to admit, that would be new behavior. No one in the party has gone against the boss yet.
Obama has been adept at beating the opposition on every level. But good for him to object to this attempt to silence them.
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Or just a ploy to avoid future political fallout, and let Congress do the dirty work, while he fiegns impartiality.
Or the FCC, who may decide this without Obama’s explicit involvement. His involvement comes in naming individuals to head that regulatory body. We’ll watch this closely.