Social activism is more than words

The stars are under scrutiny.

More famous for Learjets and limousines than green living, pop stars performing at Saturday’s Live Earth environmental concerts face widespread cynicism from fans, commentators and campaigners alike.

Built on the model of the Live Aid famine relief gigs of 1985 and Live 8 anti-poverty concerts in 2005, Live Earth aims to raise awareness about climate change and encourage people to live greener lives.

There is little doubt that the shows, starting in Sydney and ending in Rio de Janeiro, will be the focus of the world’s media, and millions of people, on the day.

That, say some, is enough. To get so many people thinking about climate change at one time is a good thing.

Not so, others argue. Unless celebrities practice what they preach, the message will quickly fade to silence.

“Some people feel that as long as they are preaching the right message, it doesn’t matter if they espouse it as well,” said Michael Musto, entertainment columnist at the Village Voice in New York. “I have a problem with that.”

No kidding.

“We’ve seen all-star concerts amounting to nothing before,” Musto told Reuters.

Right. All the consciousness raising is beneficial when there’s a newly formed conscience as a result….on any moral issue. In this particular case, it’s global warming. But the principle is the point. 

Climate change campaigners fear that Live Earth will make it easier for people who attend the concerts, or even just watch them on television and the Internet, to avoid doing anything more concrete to address the problem.

“Live Earth … plays strongly to another powerful denial strategy: the adoption of minimal and tokenistic behaviors as proof of our virtue,” George Marshall, founder of the Climate Outreach Information Network, wrote in the Guardian newspaper.

“One concern is that people will believe that their participation in the concerts is in itself an action against climate change,” he added.

This concern is tapping into a widespread problem of human nature. And this article reflects a deeper level of activism among activists.

Bob Geldof, the man behind Live Aid and Live 8, joined the Live Earth detractors, saying the world was already aware of the dangers of global warming and the event lacked a “final goal”.

I’m glad to see this. My reaction to big revelations or events is always, “therefore….what?” Meaning, okay…that’s the problem….what should we do? What’s next? I had that reaction last evening on seeing this news item in the Beeb on Colombians staging nationwide rallies to take their country back from the rebels.

Here’s how the story started:

Hundreds of thousands of Colombians have staged nationwide protests calling for an end to kidnapping and the civil conflict which has lasted 44 years.  The centre of the capital Bogota was shut as protesters marched, demanding the release of some 3,000 people still being held hostage by different groups.

The rallies were seen as a rare show of national unity.

Right on, it’s about time the people rose up in force against the rebels who have besieged that country for so long.

The calls for peace were prompted by the killing in June of 11 politicians held by the left-wing Farc movement.

The Farc, or Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, said the hostages died when unidentified gunmen attacked the jungle prison camp where they were being held.


President Alvaro Uribe accused the rebels of killing the men in cold blood, saying there had been no military operations in the western Valle del Cauca region at the time.

So, after reporting on this demonstration of the people’s power and will, how does the story end?

The nationwide protests have revealed the depth of feeling against the rebel killings and the guerrilla war to overthrow the state, but it is unlikely that the Farc will pay any heed, our correspondent says.

What? Did the reporter run out of time writing this? Before the comma in the middle, that sentence held promise. After the “but”……. it drops of with a likely FARC dismissal? Unlikely that the rebels will pay any heed? That’s a given. But…..therefore, what?

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