Some religion stories the media won’t cover
Christian martyrdom is as old as the faith. It has gone on in many countries for centuries, through modern times. It has continued in China, for instance, while they were being granted the Olympic Games all the way through the pre-Games world attention to this day. It has gone on throughout Asia, where priests have been assassinated at Churches after saying Mass.
Just look at some of these stories (scroll down on that one for more like it). Shame on everyone who knows but doesn’t tell, says Fr. Bernardo Cervellera, one of the leading advocates for Christians in these regions of rampant persecution.
Even now thousands of Christians are still in flight, running from slaughter, living in forests, terrorised, without food or clothing…But what is happening is not only India’s shame. It is also that of Europe and the world. Except for a few voices like that of Italian Foreign Minister Frattini, no government has dared to say anything about the massacres in Orissa, let alone calling for them to stop.
And they have a complicit media in that silence.
In the daily drumbeat of Mideast news, there is one story of historic proportion that goes nearly unreported: the persecution and systematic destruction in the Islamic world of some of the world’s oldest Christian communities.
The silence of the world’s major media is particularly loud on some human rights issues. Thank God for ‘alternative media’.