Stand tall, Lithuania!

Your condemnation by the European Parliament is a strong witness to the courage of conviction in the face of the pressures of relativism and shifting consensus.

“The European Parliament voted 349 to 218 today to condemn Lithuania for its “law on the protection of minors” which prohibits promotion of “homosexual, bisexual or polygamous relations” among children under 18 in the Baltic nation. Conservative critics contend that the measure, crafted in reaction to the domestic legislation of a sovereign member state pertaining to the family, oversteps the Parliament’s authority…

While “progressive” parliamentarians lined up to charge Lithuania with promoting “homophobia,” several EPP and conservative members spoke in opposition to the measure and in support of the country’s sovereign right to pass laws protecting families and children, including Lithuania’s first post-Soviet head of state Vytautas Landsbergis and Slovak parliamentarian Anna Záborksá.”

Happy to say my adopted country is aided in this stand for family values by the country of my ancestors…

“David Quinn, Director of Ireland’s Iona Institute and a family rights advocate, called the resolution “a completely unwarranted intrusion in the domestic affairs of a member state.” Critics such as Quinn see the non-discrimination principle, particularly with respect to sexual orientation, being used to trump long-enshrined values such as religious liberty and parental rights. Quinn called anti-discrimination “the skeleton key that opens every room of the house.”

Good one. Call things what they are.

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