Stop the political partisanship

That’s what Sen. Joe Lieberman is saying these days. It’s a relief to hear sense coming from somebody in Congress. Ever since Nancy Pelosi talked about replacing ‘partisanship  with partnership’, things have devolved right back into nasty partisanship. Last evening on Fox News, a panel discussed Senate arguments over ‘non-binding resolutions’ on the war, and Brit Hume declared “this is Congress at its worst.”

Lieberman was on later. Chris Wallace asked him about all this, and here’s part of the transcript.

And again, remember two things. The public told us last year they want results here, not partisanship. Second, the Islamist terrorists who we are fighting don’t distinguish between Americans based on party affiliation. They hate us all. They want to kill us all. And therefore we ought to pull together to defeat them.

Now there’s an idea.

And we’ve got a new commander, General David Petraeus, confirmed unanimously on Friday by the U.S. Senate, which is about to now go ahead, it appears, and adopt a resolution that will condemn the mission that we have just confirmed General Petraeus unanimously to carry out which he said he needs in order to succeed in Iraq.

Emphasis added. To show the incoherence of some of our senators.

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