Taking steroids, unaware

This letter to the editor of the Wall Street Journal is a startling commentary on basic facts about the dangers of birth control drugs that people are largely unaware of….or don’t want to know. With so many women taking them, this information should be more widely available.

The letter refers to a WSJ article on a new contraceptive pill.

As that well-known pamphlet from the Breast Cancer Institute states: “If it is not okay for him [athletes] to take steroids, why is it okay for her,” referring to women 18-49?

Why can’t the media and the medical profession be more responsible in warning women that birth control pills, the patches, or injections such as Depo-Provera are dangerous SYNTHETIC STEROID CHEMICALS? These not only cause “an increase risk of blood clots, heart attacks and strokes,” but the writer left out the most notorious effect of the pill on women — breast cancer — with a 40% increase in the last 30 years.

One of the modes of action of the birth control pill [steroids] is to alter the normal growth and development of the endometrium. After the ovum and the sperm cell unite at CONCEPTION, a new human life begins. It takes 5 to 7 days for the conceived baby to travel to the uterus to implant and remain there for the next 9 months.

Therefore, when the baby arrives in the womb of a woman on the birth control pill, the baby finds the mucus membrane, which lines the uterine cavity responsible for its survival, to be insufficient to support new life.

By lowering the dosage of the “active ingredients,” as the writer purposely avoids the word “steroids,” an increased number of breakthrough ovulations will take place. Thus, an increase number of chemical abortions will occur with the “Lybrel” pill.

The writers of this letter raise a good question.

Why is the media reluctant to inform their readers that there is a NATURAL alternative that is even more effective than all artificial methods of birth control, including sterilization, but lacks the millions to advertise its benefits and its existence?

The “Ovulation Method” is the most widely used natural method being practiced in over 100 countries around the world and is available in 21 languages. Its success is primarily due to the generosity of a few donors, thousands of missionaries, and volunteers who have given their lives to teaching and training others around the world.

Published studies of the Ovulation Method from the West as well as the developing world, including The People’s Republic of China, have confirmed a 98-99% effectiveness rate in postponing pregnancy as well as a high success rate in helping couples achieve pregnancy. A recent comparative study confirmed that couples who practice this natural method hardly ever divorce.

Find out more about them. There are a lot of resources out there about Natural Family Planning.

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