Talk about economics…


Not many of the media have paid tribute to Congressman Jack Kemp as he passes on from his life of public service. But that does not diminish the man or his accomplishments. It’s just a disservice to their readers and viewers.

Jack Kemp deserves honor and credit for his service.

It was impossible to be cynical in Jack’s vicinity. He radiated sincerity and optimism. Corny as it sounds, Jack was the real thing, an all-American true believer in this country and in the capacity of its people to overcome any obstacle once given the chance.

The key is being given the chance.

What attracted Jack Kemp to supply-side economics was the promise of advancement for ordinary people…He passionately believed in individual opportunity and free markets, and he needed an argument to take to the union rank-and-file who made up the bulk of his district’s voters. Supply-side economics, the premise that tax cuts and corresponding regulatory reform would unleash the creative energies of Americans, persuaded him, and he became its great missionary.

And, as Goldman points out in this piece, it was done without Wall Street gurus, “no strings pulled by investment banks”, and no academic consensus. And the ‘Kemp-Roth Tax Cuts’ was a decisive piece of legislation in American economic history.

Jack was a leader who loved his country and put it before personal gain. When he left office he had the equity in his house and not much else. But he had four children, including two sons who played professional football, and seventeen grandchildren. By the time I got to know him he was full time on the lecture circuit, putting his family finances in order before joining the Washington thinktank Empower America. He considered a run for president in 1996 but deferred to Steve Forbes, then running as the tax-cutting candidate. His outstanding career as a Republican leader was coming to an end, but what a glorious run it was.

A devout Christian, Jack made far more of a difference than an ex-quarterback with a physical education degree from Occidental College had a right to. He earned our gratitude not only for what he accomplished, but for what he proved about the character of the United States.

As Rich Lowry says at NRO, his party awaits another like him.

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