Telling the pope to mind his business?

Actually, he is.

Political leaders in Italy are criticizing Pope Benedict XVI for a speech he gave on Monday to a conference of Catholic pharmacists in which he said they should stand up for their right to opt out of dispensing drugs involved in abortions or euthanasia. They say Italian law requires pharmacists to fill orders for all prescriptions.
The Catholic leader urged the pharmacists to educate their customers on how various drugs work, especially those involved in the destruction of human life.

He also said they had both a religious and moral obligation to exercise their conscience rights and refuse to take part in dispensing drugs to customers that are meant to take lives.

The sanctity and protection of human life is his business.

Speaking to participants at the 25th International Congress of Catholic Pharmacists, the Pope said, “It is not possible to anaesthetize the conscience, for example, when it comes to molecules whose aim is to stop an embryo implanting or to cut short someone’s life.”

His critics on these issues are very often his supporters on issues like, say, capital punishment. For the Pope, the ethic of life is consistent.

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