Thank you, Dad
Actually, my Dad doesn’t use computers, and I’ll be talking with him personally with my own expressions of gratitude and love for all he’s done for his family throughout life, on this day we set aside to honor the role men play in society…
Some time ago, I did a blog post about men and faith and the resurgence of movements for men to reclaim their role as spiritual head of the family. In short, our highly feminized society has had a dramatic impact on boys and men, and challenged the traditional view of ‘manhood’ and diminished the role of fatherhood.
One Sunday I particularly noticed men all around the church and they stood out somehow. Why did they, considering they’re there each Sunday? I don’t know….but the ones all around me were exceptional in the small caretaking gestures they made toward their families here and there while still paying reverent attention to the priest and the altar.
There were young dads calming young children, tucking them under the arm or hoisting them on the shoulder , quietly. And the middle-aged dad in front of me who was asked to help usher at different points, and finished by slipping back in the pew and bowing his head in silent prayer before continuing, while his daughter glanced repeatedly at him, reassured.
And the gray-haired gentleman in front of me with his elderly dad. The man was holding the hymnal and singing energetically with the organist and the choir, singing well and full-throated, while two little boys in front of him were peeking backwards from their pew, staring up at him in visibly rapt attention, watching him give witness to the manly expression of faith.
To all the men who quietly and constantly show their love and devotion, their support and strength, and their utter dedication to service…..thank you for lifting us all up. And happy Father’s Day.