That Tebow ad was the most uncontroversial advertisement I’ve seen in years. Beautiful, well done, a bit funny with the tackle, maybe even dorky or stupid if you’re so inclined, but absolutely non-controversial. If I hadn’t heard all the controversy I would never have known that his mom went against doctors’ advice chose not to have an abortion. There was not a shred of controversial content in it. CBS was absolutely right to air it, and bravo that they did.
With the strippers in the Go Daddy commercials, the commercials with people running around in their underwear in the office, and the baby boy who did a one night stand on the baby girl, the so-called “women’s movement” is trashing that Tebow ad?! Are you serious? If they really supported women they would stop supporting companies that use women as nothing but sex toys.
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That Tebow ad was the most uncontroversial advertisement I’ve seen in years. Beautiful, well done, a bit funny with the tackle, maybe even dorky or stupid if you’re so inclined, but absolutely non-controversial. If I hadn’t heard all the controversy I would never have known that his mom went against doctors’ advice chose not to have an abortion. There was not a shred of controversial content in it. CBS was absolutely right to air it, and bravo that they did.
With the strippers in the Go Daddy commercials, the commercials with people running around in their underwear in the office, and the baby boy who did a one night stand on the baby girl, the so-called “women’s movement” is trashing that Tebow ad?! Are you serious? If they really supported women they would stop supporting companies that use women as nothing but sex toys.