The doctors were about to disconnect life support

There seem to be more stories like this these days.

Mike Connolly is a 56-year-old man whose heart stopped in late January and he lay in bed comatose for about four days when his family decided to give doctors permission to remove his life support.

Then he woke up.

According to the North County Times, Connolly’s stepson Mike Cooper was reading Scripture by his bedside when he noticed a tear going down Connolly’s cheek. Cooper soon left the room, only to return moments later when heard another family member cheering and hollering.

“He said Mike was responding,” Cooper told the newspaper. “I didn’t believe him, but I went back in there, and it was true. You would say his name, and he would turn his head toward you. It was a miracle.”

Doctors agree. This should be all over the news, along with other stories of true hope and the mysteries of life that defy medical explanation. Especially before health care rationing policies are formed.

Some say you can’t plan for exceptions. But you can. This is another example of how the will to live is better than a living will.

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