The largest sustained human rights demonstration

Today is the 36th annual March for Life on the Mall of Washington. It is perhaps providential that the anniversary of Roe v. Wade which prompted the beginning of this annual demonstration occurs this week of January, two days after the inauguration of a man as president of the United States who was considered the most pro-abortion senator ever to run for high office during the primaries. Which is why…as much of the nation partied and celebrated Barack Obama’s ascendancy to the White House, many others in the nation prayed and held vigil.

In the two months since the election, pro-life Americans have recovered from the losses that day of some officeholders who stood for the sanctity of life of every human being. Pro-life Americans have accepted the new reality, re-grouped and begun again to plan a renewed activism in the legislatures and on the city streets of the nation, to defend and protect all life form conception to natural death…the pre-born to the ‘not yet dead’.

The nation’s government now falls under the power and influence of the party that won enough seats to claim the majority, and that party has in its platform the commitment to protect and expand access to abortion. With sweeping health care reforms comning, access to medial procedures for the elderly and impaired may become an issue at a time when more states are already accepting euthanasia laws disguised as ‘compassion’.

And so today, great numbers of American citizens are amassed in Washington to witness the dedication to the dignity and sanctity of life. It’s a week of Christian unity because all faiths coalesce around the cause of life. In fact, they’re not all people of faith. Libertarians for life are there, and Fr. Frank Pavone of Priests for Life told me their ranks even include the ‘Atheist and Agnostic Pro-Life League’. Their website explains their reason: “…because life is all there is and all that matters, and abortion destroys the life of an innocent human being.”

As a nation, we used to know this. Now, there’s a very unnatural division between people who still inherently know that abortion and euthanasia are immoral acts of taking human life….and people who are fooling themselves with euphemism about ‘choice’ and ‘privacy rights’. The Rev. Jesse Jackson used to be pro-life, as were many politicians like Sens. Ted Kennedy and John Kerry, among others. Let’s at least hope President Obama realizes that ‘the least of these’ he cites often from scripture includes the pre-born.

Last year, President Bush told March for Life participants “biology confirms that from the start, each unborn child is a separate individual with his or her own genetic code.”

I’d like to hear an intelligent attempt to refute that fact. Let’s be honest.

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