The media and stem cells

This headline is misleading by what it omits: “Fla. Gov. Plans Money for Stem Cells“. What it should have said is ‘Fla. Gov. Plans Money for Adult Stem Cells.’

Gov. Charlie Crist said Wednesday he plans to recommend that Florida lawmakers fund stem cell research, but only so long as it doesn’t require the destruction of human embryos.

Crist said he would recommend appropriating $20 million for a grant program to pay for studies that use cells obtained from adults, umbilical cord blood and amniotic fluid donated by pregnant women.

He won’t recommend research on embryonic stem cells because too many people oppose destroying human embryos to obtain the cells.

We need clarity and discernment as news reporters and news consumers on this, and other moral/ethical issues of the day. Because the public forms opinions around the information we’re given.

Here’s some information.

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