The wit and wisdom of Wally Hickel
Who is Wally Hickel? And why did an article filled with his quotes make it into an internet aggregator’s top headlines of the moment when so many big news stories were still unfolding?
This little Anchorage Daily News item bounced to the second top news story amid heavy coverage of the oil spill, the economic crisis in Greece and Europe, Philippine elections, and Russia’s heavy show of force for Victory Day.
People obviously crave inspiration. Here’s some, from Wally Hickel:
If God didn’t like big projects, he wouldn’t have created the universe.
All pioneers are optimists. The pessimist never gets out of town….
If no one owns something, no one cares…
When a man thinks he’s too good to do another man’s work, he neither understands work nor understands the man. I’m glad I was a bartender…
If I owned a newspaper, one day I would run a banner headline that read, “NO NEWS TODAY.”
No project I ever built made sense at the bottom line, and I made millions. I didn’t study the bottom line. I studied the opportunity.
I like to talk about God. Most politicians avoid it. Maybe they find him embarrassing. Maybe they think he’s their competition…
Someone has to recognize that all the people on the earth are human.
Dream big dreams. Because if you dream little dreams, you can only achieve little things. But if you dream big dreams, you can achieve little things and big things.
No wonder search engines drove Wally Hickel to the top, at least briefly. People are searching for provocations to think.