Then can we get rid of all the empty spaces?

How far will atheists go to rid the landscape of any semblance of religious belief?


A case now before the Tenth Circuit federal appeals court in Denver filed by the group American Atheists seeks to have roadside crosses,  erected in Utah to memorialize state troopers who have died, declared illegal.

This is a country littered with public displays of practically obscene advertising and promotions of violent videos and films, all allowed by free speech. If you are offended, so it goes, you don’t have to look.

Suffice it to say that the case is yet another example of atheist intolerance of the desires of those with religious faith to manifest that faith, in a benign way that shouldn’t offend any sane person. The case also demonstrates how casually atheists will try to trample on the rights of free expression of those who don’t agree with the atheist credo, that faith can only be seen and heard in private.

Except for faith in atheism. It’s amazing these cases get this far.

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