There’s no cover for Planned Parenthood anymore
Defenders can keep deflecting attention from the truth. But now we know.
The White House won’t comment on what they claim no one there has seen.
The president commented on the “atrocity” of killing humans and harvesting their body parts. In another context, on another continent. But the ethic is consistent, right?
No. This is what he said in Africa:
“Young people, you can lead the way and set a good example. But it requires some courage because the old thinking, people will push back at you and if you don’t have convictions and courage to be able stand up for what you think is right, then cruelty will perpetuate itself,” he said. He added, “If there’s one thing I want YALI leaders to come out with, it’s the notion of you are strong by taking care of the people who are vulnerable, by looking after the minority, looking after the disabled, looking after the vulnerable. You’re not strong by putting people down you’re strong by lifting them up. That’s the measure of a leader.”
But with the ongoing release of videos from Planned Parenthood clinics and in other setting with Planned Parenthood officials revealing the cruelty of abortion perpetuating itself in that industry and profiting from harvesting body parts of the most vulnerable human beings, the Obama administration was already in the process of investigating…the group releasing the videos of vulnerable human life being slaughtered, dismembered and sold with price tags for different body parts.
There’s no defending this anymore. It’s time to defund.
Planned Parenthood is in full damage control mode. It is working on impugning the credibility of pro-life undercover investigators from the Center for Medical Progress who…released another video on the abortion provider’s barbaric practices.
It is also defending the technical legality of its practice of harvesting organs for a fee during abortions, deploying its allies in the media and the White House, and seeking desperately to restore its carefully constructed and ferociously defended image as an organization primarily focused on women’s health, and only secondarily involved in providing abortions.
But the edifice is cracked and no amount of attacking the messenger or hair-splitting legal argument can change the fact that Planned Parenthood’s own medical directors have unwittingly offered rare and much-needed clarity about the nature of the business that Planned Parenthood has chosen, and shared (if inadvertently) the truth about precisely whose lives are destroyed as a result…
The being killed by Planned Parenthood’s abortionists is a human being, albeit at the earliest and most vulnerable stage of her life. Indeed, her organs are valuable to others precisely (and only) because they come from a human being.
Crushing human bodies. Evacuating human skulls. Harvesting human vital organs for a fee. This is what Planned Parenthood does. This is its business.
And business is booming. Planned Parenthood is the largest abortion provider in the world.
It’s about time this central, major point is made clearly.
The American people should be thankful for Dr. Nucatola’s and Gatter’s words [in video revelations], and even for the coarse and graphic manner in which they were delivered.
In doing so, they offered a rare glimpse of the horrible truth about the nature and human cost of Planned Parenthood’s work. Thanks to them, Planned Parenthood’s slick corporate image as merely an altruistic defender of women’s health is shattered. Having its true face revealed, the path forward is clear. No minimally decent society can support an organization whose business is killing and harvesting body parts for money. Defund Planned Parenthood now.
Because of the videos and the turning point they provide in the abortion debate, the subject came up in the GOP debate last Thursday, both abortion and defunding Planned Parenthood. It likely won’t when Democrats debate in October for the first time.
But Democratic commentator Kirsten Powers took it to the Democrats now.
Democrats like to talk about the importance of being on the “right side of history.” This phrase was invoked frequently during the same-sex marriage debate. Yet when faced with a series of videos detailing grotesque human rights abuses against unborn children by Planned Parenthood Federation of America doctors, Democratic Party forces have eschewed all concern for historical or moral rightness.
Pope Francis has correctly described the unborn as “the most defenseless and innocent among us.” But in the sordid tale of strategic crushing of the unborn to better harvest their hearts, lungs and livers, many Democrats have incredibly cast an organization with a roughly $1.3 billion annual budget in the role of the innocent and defenseless. Hillary Clinton emerged as Planned Parenthood’s highest profile protector Monday, decrying the “assault” against her allegedly helpless campaign donors.
The Democratic Party shilling for barbarism — whether by politicians, liberal media outlets, union officials or unrestricted abortion advocates — is not likely to be viewed favorably by future generations. These Democrats will be remembered for demonizing the activists who lifted the veil on a previously sanitized process and for seeking restraining orders to silence truth tellers. They will be remembered for publishing dehumanizing decrees — as The New Republic did — that people stop criticizing Planned Parenthood because as a medical matter, “The term baby … doesn’t apply until birth” (that thing on your sonogram is nothing more than a “product[] of conception.”) And they will be remembered for demanding investigations into citizen journalists for meticulously exposing atrocities in our midst.
I don’t use the word atrocity lightly.
Watching the videos exposing Planned Parenthood’s practice of dickering over the body parts of unborn humans, one is immediately struck by the age of the “fetuses,” to use the medical term for what parents-to-be and their gynecologists still call a “baby,” lectures from The New Republic notwithstanding.
What a refreshing blast of clarity Powers provides, when few other Democrats are willing to comment on the stunning revelations of the abortion industry profiteering on baby body parts.
[Planned Parenthood Senior Director of Medical Services Dr. Deborah] Nucatola noted that one-quarter of Planned Parenthood of Los Angeles abortions occur in the second trimester (3,000 out of 12,000, she said).
Did you get that? Nucatola appears to be saying that three thousand second trimester abortions occur every year in just one Planned Parenthood region. In another video, Dr. Savita Ginde, identified as Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains’ Vice President and Medical Director, explains: “We’re doing procedures at seventeen weeks, so we have fairly large identifiable [body] parts.” She then discusses the need to train abortion doctors so they don’t crush the desirable organs of these four-and-a-half-month old fetuses.
Guess who supports second trimester abortions, barring extreme extenuating circumstances? Almost nobody.
The edifice is cracked and crumbling fast. Hopefully, the sham is over.
“Even the most pro-choice people aren’t sold on abortion rights beyond the first trimester.”
This was the general position even prior to the release of videos demonstrating the harsh reality of such abortions. Following the meeting with Dr. Ginde, the undercover video makers are taken to a Planned Parenthood pathology lab where a medical assistant called “Jess” picks at an aborted fetus. “I just want to see another leg, with a foot,” she says. Ginde chimes in: “Here’s the heart.” At one point Dr. Ginde inexplicably murmurs: “It’s a baby.”
Even the abortionist can see it’s a baby. So what’s wrong with the Democratic Party?
While we’re waiting for an answer, the latest video is analyzed here, with a Planned Parenthood Director of Research referring to babies bodies and body parts as “line items” in the abortion calculus.
Latest video, that is, until the next one drops. Which should be any day now.