They’re disappearing in Ontario
This is actually happening all over the world, but we don’t think much of the natural consequence of the contraception/abortion culture. So stories like this are startling.
Plummeting birth rates have resulted in the closure of over 300 schools in Ontario and half of the province’s school boards have 90,000 fewer students than they did six years ago. 300 schools are slated to be closed in the province simply because there are not enough children to go into them according to a report by People for Education.
“Much of the funding that school boards receive is based on numbers of students,” the report said. “As a result, fewer students equals less funding, fewer programs and, in many cases, closing schools.” The losses in this report are in addition to the 110 school closures in Ontario between 2004 and 2005.
Four years ago, University of Toronto economics professor David Foot called then-record low birth rate the “revenge of the birth control pill.” Foot, the author of 1996’s Boom, Bust and Echo, a book on Canadian demographics, said the widespread use of artificial contraception was responsible for fewer children being born in the 1960s and 1970s. This left fewer women of child-bearing age for the next generation, today’s mothers.
Boom, Bust and Echo. Provocative description of people trends.
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The great business writer/educator Peter Drucker foresaw a demographic implosion in the west due to a declining birthrate. In his book–Management Challenges for the 21st Century–Drucker stated this implosion is the “number one fact businesses must consider” and that “no developed country is likely therefore to have stable politics or a strong government. Government instability is going to be the norm.” He further states: “Of all developments, the collapsing birthrate is the most spectacular, the most unexpected, and the one that has no precedent whatsoever.”
With Ontario shutting down hundreds of schools, what will be next?