This should be easy enough to answer

It’s no doubt in the works right now to find out where Sen. Obama was on the day in question, whether listening to blistering attacks on America, or giving a stump speech somewhere else.

It may have been a small issue to media paying any attention back then, but at odds today is this:

Barack Obama’s attendance at a Jeremiah Wright sermon on July 22, 2007. In the sermon, Wright blamed the “white arrogance” of America’s majority for the woes of the world. Davis noted that Wright emphasized the point by referring to the United States as the “United States of White America.” According to Davis, Obama nodded in apparent agreement as these statements were made.

Other sermons will no doubt emerge. The media have known these things for a long time and kept quiet about any speculation or influence or questions of judgment. But they’re out now, and the spin is on.

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  • “And once a distortion or fabrication is out there, all the press pick it up and run with it.” Sheila Liaugminas, This Still Needs Clarification, March 15.

    Please recheck your sources and repost this – Kristol has already withdrawn this statement – he used erroneous sources and did not verify his information.

    “So straighten this out with anybody still passing along this nonsense. Be informed.” You owe the same courtesy to Senator Obama

  • Tuesday, March 18
    I believe Senator Obama’s speech just answered the question in the most forceful, eloquent way possible. Listen, really listen, to the speech. Understand the context, use the tools you are always demanding others use when confronting language.

    This is a man who deeply loves his country, deeply respects and appreciates the opportunities this country has given him. He understands the anger and frustration of both sides of the racial divide – does not dismiss either of them, respects them for what they are and has rightfully stated that now is the time for this divide to truly, deeply begin to heal.

    So, I restate your comments of March 15 and my reply: “So straighten this out with anybody still passing along this nonsense. Be informed.” You owe the same courtesy to Senator Obama.” I would expect no less from you.

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