This should not come as a surprise…

…but it is the people that will change this country, not the politicians.

The signs are everywhere. Here’s one from the pro-life movement.

I came away from this year’s March for Life with a totally different perspective than I had when leaving the March in previous years…I left the March with feelings that had faded in recent years: optimism and excitement.

A lot of people are saying that.

Though I had begun to lose hope before, the March for Life in 2008 gave me (and, I think, much of America) hope for the future. An unprecedented number of congressmen showed up for the rally. Their message was clear: the tide is beginning to turn, and the change is coming from the bottom up.

There it is. That’s the message. 

They were filled with good news: Michigan passed a partial birth abortion act, the overall number of abortions are the lowest they have been in thirty years, and more and more Americans are siding with the pro-life movement.

The speeches at the rally came back to one point again and again: the people, not the politicians, are the reason we’re going to win. Strong families have made for a strong movement, a movement that is not political, but moral.

And that’s the heart of the message. Change is happening, because the people are making it happen. People informed by values – like the inherent dignity and human rights of each and every person – are leading a movement that is changing the nation. From the bottom up.

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