Though we may profess different creeds

With all the false arguments about what separation of church and state means in the Establishment Clause, it really means the government can’t establish a state religion, and you’re free to worship as you believe in America.

Here’s a reminder:

Today is Religious Freedom Day. Chances are, you didn’t know that. It’s not seomething the media would focus on.

But it’s an important occasion and a noble observance, and it was one of the final acts George W. Bush made as president: designating this day for that honor.

Here’s the president’s statement:

Religious freedom is the foundation of a healthy and hopeful society.  On Religious Freedom Day, we recognize the importance of the 1786 passage of the Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom.  We also celebrate the first liberties enshrined in our Constitution’s Bill of Rights, which guarantee the free exercise of religion for all Americans and prohibit an establishment of religion.

Our Nation was founded by people seeking haven from religious persecution, and the religious liberty they found here remains one of this land’s greatest blessings.  As Americans, we believe that all people have inherent dignity and worth.  Though we may profess different creeds and worship in different manners and places, we respect each other’s humanity and expression of faith.  People with diverse views can practice their faiths here while living together in peace and harmony, carrying on our Nation’s noble tradition of religious freedom.

The United States also stands with religious dissidents and believers from around the globe who practice their faith peacefully.  Freedom is not a grant of government or a right for Americans alone; it is the birthright of every man, woman, and child throughout the world.  No human freedom is more fundamental than the right to worship in accordance with one’s conscience.

Religious Freedom Day is an opportunity to celebrate our legacy of religious liberty, foster a culture of tolerance and peace, and renew commitments to ensure that every person on Earth can enjoy these basic human rights.

I call on all Americans to reflect on the great blessing of religious liberty, endeavor to preserve this freedom for future generations, and commemorate this day with appropriate events and activities.

Here are a couple of ideas: Give honor to God, and service to the public in some way. The public square needs religious minded people.

When Pope Benedict addressed the United Nations last April, he said human rights must be grounded in religious freedom. Global dialogue has to use moral language, he said. In fact, religious rights need to be protected from secular ideology in the culture, and no one should have to deny God to enjoy their civil rights. Pope Benedict told the UN that religious freedom can’t be limited to just the right to worship freely. It requires that believers have a role in building social order.

Don’t wait to be asked.

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