Three years ago
Recalling with emotion the passing of Pope John Paul II three years ago today, Pope Benedict said April 2 will remain imprinted on the mind of the Church as the day when the Servant of God departed from this world.
Thousands of pilgrims gathered in St. Peter’s Square for a memorial Mass in honor of the beloved pope, whose abiding memory continues to draw thousands of visitors every day to his tomb inside St. Peter’s Basilica.
Pope Benedict said that the life and pontificate, was as a whole and in many specific moments, “a sign and witness of the Resurrection of Christ.”
John Paul II died on the eve of the second Sunday of Easter, the fulfillment of the “day that the Lord has made.”
Benedict took us all back to the time that was more a phenomenon than an event.
Speaking of the evening of Saturday, April 2, 2005 when news of John Paul II’s death reached the crowds in St. Peter’s Square, Pope Benedict said, “For several days the Vatican Basilica and the square were really the heart of the world. A river of pilgrims made uninterrupted tribute to the venerable body of the Pope and his funeral marked a further testimony of the affection and esteem, which he had won in the souls of many believers and people from every part of the world.”
And he recalled what, essentially, drew the world into a loving embrace with the former pope.
Speaking of John Paul II’s legacy and final witness, the Pontiff said, “He had an extraordinary faith in Christ, and with Him entertained an intimate conversation, unique and unbroken. Among his many human qualities and supernatural gifts, [John Paul II] also had an exceptional spiritual and mystical sensitivity. It was enough observed when he prayed: he was literally immersed in God, and it seemed that everything else in those moments was extraneous.
In addition, daily mass was for John Paul II a “living and holy” reality that was the center of each day, and that gave him the spiritual energy necessary to guide the People of God in the unfolding of history, Pope Benedict noted.
Reuters is among the media talking today about the cause for canonization of JPII, and where that reputedly stands.
Crowds at John Paul’s funeral on April 8, 2005 chanted “Santo Subito” (“Make him a saint now”).
In May, 2005, Benedict put John Paul on the fast track by dispensing with Church rules that normally impose a five-year waiting period after a candidate’s death before the procedure that leads to sainthood can even start.
The first phase of the process for his beatification, the last step before sainthood, is now nearly complete. Church officials say they have found a miracle attributed to the intercession of the late pope with God…
Monsignor Slawomir Oder, the Vatican official in charge of the beatification process told reporters he has nearly finished a document of about 2,000 pages long summarizing evidence that John Paul should be made a saint.
Many people of the world believe he already is.
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With all due respect,I think that it would be hasty and premature to canonize JPII. The 25 years of his pontifical rule should be reflected on over time, such as the state of the Church and how it was allowed to disintragate to the state that we have at this time. I am not saying that he caused these things but he allowed them to continue like a permissive parent. His leadership qualities remind me of the types who are products of the 60’s. His great writing ability reminded me of the speeches of Mr Greenspan, extremely verbose. There is no doubt that JPII presented himself as a holy, spititual and prayerful man with great charisma. I pray for him everyday.