To expose…or hope fewer people notice
That’s the dilemma over the vile, disgusting cover story Rolling Stone magazine did to trash George W. Bush. To take that as low as they could reach, they trashed an innocent, impaired young woman who has already suffered and died a gruesome death.
Jill Stanek didn’t hesitate to expose this, tipped off to the story by Bobby Schindler. Terri’s brother.
We all talked today for ‘America’s Lifeline’. Jill said that post is getting far more comments than usual, and she usually gets a lot. Suzanne (Terri’s sister) wondered how people….even fringe satirists…could be so cruel and hateful. Bobby said the Schindlers thought they couldn’t be shocked by anything anymore, but this vicious assault on Terri (and on sensibilities) abolished any limits they thought were left.
There is no line they will not cross now, Bobby said, and he’s right. What was it the minister said in the Capitol Rotunda in the recent ceremony commemorating Abraham Lincoln?
In the invocation, Rev. Barry Black quoted Lincoln as saying “injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere 
Why is that so selectively applied?