To help them make a choice
“Views of a Fetus in the Womb” by Leonardo da Vinci
The state that conducted the most comprehensive study of the practice of abortion and its effects on women, and subsequently attempted to ban it in the “Women’s Health and Human Life Protection Act“… trying again to ensure that women are informed when they do enter an abortion clinic (since that ban has, so far, failed).
South Dakota Gov. Mike Rounds has signed a pro-life bill into law that requires abortion practitioners there to allow women considering an abortion a chance to seen an ultrasound of the baby beforehand. Pro-life lawmakers hope the measure will help further reduce the number of abortions in the state.
The House approved SB 88 last month after the Senate had already supported on a 21-13 vote.
With advances in the technology, ultrasounds images show the humanity of the unborn child in a way that Planned Parenthood normally doesn’t explain.
The measure allows women a chance to sign a statement saying they were offered a chance to view the ultrasound and abortion practitioners would be held accountable for following the law.
Offering women that chance offers them a real choice.
But Kate Looby, director of Planned Parenthood in South Dakota, which runs the lone abortion center in the state in Sioux Falls, condemned the measure.
“We are in favor of women receiving all of the information they need to make private health care decisions,” Looby said. “We’re opposed to politicians like Roger Hunt practicing medicine.â€
Roger Hunt is practicing legislative government. He is a governor who signed a bill to protect women.
Kate Looby is the Director of Planned Parenthood of South Dakota, who testified before the Task Force to Study Abortion in late 2005. Here’s part of the report of that task force, submitted to the governor in December 2005.
Based on their testimony [Kate Looby and an abortionist doctor] it is admitted that the Planned Parenthood facility in Sioux Falls does not disclose any information about the unborn child and that it does not disclose to the pregnant mother in any way that the child, the second patient, is already in existence.
The importance of understanding that point is that of the 2,000 post-abortive women who testified before that task force, most reported that at the time of the abortion, they thought they were “evacuating tissue” that would eventually become a human being, and were devastated when they learned that human life (life of the species homo sapiens) is already in existence.
To continue…
Additionally, according to Ms. Looby’s testimony, a message given by the physician is pre-recorded. It is a four-minute recording designed to satisfy the statutory requirement…that the information contained in that section be imparted by the physician who will perform the abortion.
So it’s a four-minute recording of the doctor.
The women had no way of asking the physician any questions since it is a recording.
Based upon the reporting of the women on the forms reviewed by the Department of Health, and the testimony of Ms. Looby and Dr. Ball, it appears that Planned parenthood does not voluntarily convey other information about the fetus after women listen to the doctor’s taped recording.
In fact, what is communicated to the women is misleading. Ms. Looby and Dr. Ball played a video for the TAsk Force illustrating what may be communicated to women about the abortion procedure. In this video, reference is made to the contents of the woman’s uterus in dehumanizing and misleading language…The language used in the video simply implies that something is removed but does not identify what it is except to claim it is only “tissue.”
Stay with this…
We find first that Planned Parenthood fails to inform the pregnant mother in any language that her unborn child is in existence. It is impossible for a woman to give informed consent to an abortion if she does not fully understand that her child is in existence and that she is consenting to the termination of the life of her child.
Second, the doctor…cannot, in a professional or moral sense, contend that proper authority has been obtained from the mother if she is not fully aware that she is giving such authority.
Dr. Ball and Ms. Looby testified that the women who come to Planned Parenthood sign a “consent” to have an abortion without first speaking to the doctor. These consent forms are filled out before the doctor sees the patient…Thus, the abortion doctor sees the pregnant mother for the first time in the procedure room, only after the consent form has been signed and the woman has made her commitment to undergo the abortion.
Under existing law, only the pregnant mother has the right to decide whether to have an abortion.
But the pregnant mother can apply her own discrete personal, moral or religious values to her circumstance only after accurate biological facts concerning the existence and nature of her unborn child are disclosed.
By its own admissions, Planned Parenthood makes no such disclosures…
And now, they’re fighting yet another attempt to give women the information they need to make a truly informed choice.