Truth coming out

Early yesterday on the Fourth, I thought about trying to get up a post on parts of the Constitution that need more clarification these days, like the Establishment Clause on religion and the state. For that I wanted to mention David Kupelian’s book “The Marketing of Evil” because he covers the history and defining truths of that clause and helps you see how that has been corrupted by the secular liberals and marketed to the public as something it’s not. David was on my radio show a number of times last year for the different outstanding chapters on this and other social issues afflicting our culture, and I continue to recommend the book highly. It’s a real eye-opener.

Apparently it was for Michael Glatze, too, who had already bought the cultural marketing of ‘alternative lifestyles’ and suffered the consequences of the lie behind it. His story was passed along to me…yesterday no less….by Monica who knows my respect for Kupelian’s work. Odd, how that happened on the same day.

Glatze’s story is compelling.

He was a rising star in the “gay rights” movement, but Michael Glatze now declares not only has he given up activism – he’s no longer a homosexual.

Glatze – who had become a frequent media source as founding editor of Young Gay America magazine – tells the story of his transformation in an exclusive column published today by WND.

Although Glatze cut himself off from the homosexual community about a year and a half ago, he says the column likely will surprise some people…

The radical change in his life, Glatze recalls, began with inner “promptings” he now attributes to God.

“I hope I can share my story,” he said. “I feel strongly God has put me here for a reason. Even in the darkest days of late-night parties, substance abuse and all kinds of things – when I felt like, ‘Why am I here, what am I doing?’ – there was always a voice there.

“I didn’t know what to call it, or if I could trust it, but it said ‘hold on.'”

Glatze said he became aware of homosexual feelings at about the age of 14 and publicly declared himself “gay” at age 20. Finally, after a decade in which his leadership role in the homosexual activist world grew – but alongside it, a mysterious inner conflict – he says he finally was “liberated.”

In fact, he writes in his WND column today, “‘coming out’ from under the influence of the homosexual mindset was the most liberating, beautiful and astonishing thing I’ve ever experienced in my entire life.”

Before “coming out” in his column today, Glatze contacted WND Managing Editor David Kupelian after reading his book, “The Marketing of Evil, which Glatze said “has given me so much help in my process of healing from the profound influences of evil in our current society.”

“There is nothing that would give me more pleasure,” he wrote to Kupelian, “than to say the Truth about ‘homosexuality’ and atone for my sins in that regard.”

This is only the beginning for Glatze, liberated by the truth. When Kupelian was on my show, we always got calls and emails from listeners who were similarly startled by hearing so simple a truth by the wholesale deception of our culture. It’s an important book, and Glatze’s is an important story.

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