Trying to get Christians
It’s as old as the Garden of Eden. Discredit God. Or maybe, the New Testament. At least discredit followers of Christ.
Some people have been emboldened lately to step up their efforts to do that, but they’re trying to be…creative, and elite. They’re pretending to take a filmmaker’s view of studying Christians in America by producing films on the most radical fringe.
I already knew about “Jesus Camp”, which was nominated for an Oscar. No surprise there, Hollywood honoring a Christian-bashing documentary. But the other day, I caught Alexandra Pelosi’s appearance on Fox News’ Hannity & Colmes show, and was surprised to hear the interview. While I was on the Factor site looking for the link for the post below, I came across this account of this particular Pelosi’s work.
Nancy Pelosi’s daughter, Alexandra, has produced a documentary entitled “Friends of God.” It follows some militant Christians around and through interviews and displays demonstrates their mindset.
Now, Ms. Pelosi’s work is similar to the Oscar-nominated documentary, “Jesus Camp” which puts the children of militant Christians on display and that film illustrates intense behavior as well.
With all due respect to the filmmakers, anybody can do that and it proves nothing. I could film militant secular progressives in S&M bars all night long. What does that prove? There will always be people on the fringe, folks who take things too far.
The truth is that most American Christians are sincere people trying to lead good lives. They’re not a threat. They’re not trying to impose their beliefs on anyone.
The secular elites either just don’t know that, or they do, and want to paint a different picture of “red-state America.” Pelosi told Hannity & Colmes that since a large swath of America comprises this conservative Christian bloc of voters who elected George Bush twice, and she had grown up in San Francisco which is very liberal, she wanted to get out there and learn more about who these people were.
But then Hannity asked Pelosi if she had tried to get any information into the documentary about the hard work and huge funds some traditional Christians like Jerry Falwell and Dr. James Dobson had contributed to humanitarian causes, as part of this look at Christians. She was taken aback by…even the question, and said “No, that wasn’t part of the agenda.” To which Hannity replied “So there was an agenda.” Then she accused him of distorting her words and causing trouble.
Just take this episode and turn it around. Imagine a Christian filmmaker producing a documentary about liberals that showed only the most radical fringe. And imagine the producer came on television and said that no hard-working liberal doing humanitarian work was included because “that wasn’t part of the agenda.” What do you think would be the reponse–in the studio right then, and the mainstream media for the next…say…week? Or two?