Tune in
I had a good and lively conversation with Sean and Wendy on Relevant Radio’s Morning Air today, much of it about the skeptical new book about Mother Teresa, and a couple of other topics of politics and culture. The streaming audio of that and all shows is there on the page, so join us.
Same is true for the recent discussion of news and headlines on Drew Mariani’s show on Relevant Radio, and John Morales’ podcast at Catholic Exchange.
Go beyond the mainline media’s headlines and talking points, to the facts they don’t report and the questions they don’t ask. We do.
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I’ve wondered what happened to you! I used to listen to the right questions because 1-3 p.m. is/was the only time I could listen to RR during the day. When your time slot moved I no longer caught your show. I heard you this morning about your rebutal piece and thought I’d look you up. To my surprise and, I’ll admit, dismay, I see you’re no longer with Relevant Radio as a staff person. I looked all over and found you here. I’ve read lots of your blogs and they’re very insightful, as always. Is this your main job now? I’m glad you’re still writing. I’d love to read the article you wrote above…I didn’t catch where it was published…I had to feed the kids French toast in between and find a lost blankie…anyway, it’s good to have found you again, though I do miss your show on RR. Maybe one day you’ll make it back on the air.