Very wise Pope

Why didn’t someone think of this earlier? Probably because we had a catastrophic uproar in the Muslim world over one line of Benedict’s Regensburg address, which was a talk calling for dialogue.

The Patriarchate of Venice has announced plans to make the text of the Pope’s weekly public audience available in an Arabic-language translation.

It probably took the catastrophic uproar in the Muslim world over one line of Benedict’s Regensburg address, which was – to remind - a talk calling for dialogue. Now when he speaks, his audience will be considerably wider. Now, that should promote dialogue.

With support from Aid to the Church in Need, the Oasis International Center, founded by Cardinal Angelo Scola to promote mutual understanding between Christianity and Islam, will provide a translation of the catechetical address delivered by the Pontiff each Wednesday.

Pope Benedict XVI is currently delivering a series of weekly talks on the Church and the apostolic tradition. While Oasis will begin providing translations with the October 16 audience, the previous talks in the series will be translated and posted as well, the patriarchate announced.

So, they’re making these retroactive. Good. He’s had some great Wednesday audiences on the apostolic tradition, and he’s made each message keenly relative to the world today.

The purpose of the Arabic translations is twofold, mirroring the dual purpose of the Oasis Center: to provide information for Arabic-speaking Christians living in predominantly Muslim lands, and to encourage better understanding of Church teaching by Muslims. The initiative in Venice is also intended to provide an opportunity for Arabic immigrants, now living in Europe, to read the Pope’s talks.

A stealthy but brilliant move.

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