“Vigilance is the price of liberty.”
The Orwellian future is here. At least, in Canada.
David Warren updates the practically unbelievable situation of the “Human Rights Commission” on a rampage with little control or accoutability, and just about anybody who practices free speech in their sites. That is, if that speech is disagreeable to the thought police of political correctness.
I have mentioned only the current cases in which periodical publications have been prosecuted, in the strange new world of “Kafkanada” — where you can be tried for the same imaginary “hate crimes” in any or all federal and provincial jurisdictions, simultaneously or sequentially. A single complaint by any reader anywhere is enough to launch a secret inquiry. The target has no right to confront his accuser, and will not at first even be told who he or she is.
Truth is no defence, the absence of harm is no defence, there are no rules of evidence — due process is entirely subverted. The inquisitors of these kangaroo courts may ultimately reach any “judgement” they please, after months or years of playing cat-and-mouse with their selected victim.
“Human rights activists” are serving as both judge and jury, Warren points out.
The system is, in principle, indistinguishable from that in place during the Cultural Revolution in Maoist China. It was perpetrated by leftwing activists on the Canadian people while they were sleeping. It is a system of the activists, by the activists, and for the activists.
The people are still sleeping, but some “blowback” has finally begun to occur.
It’s getting attention and with that, necessary resistance to this prime example of what both popes John Paul II and Benedict XVI have called the “tyranny of the majority”. Benedict raised it again on the floor of the General Assembly at the UN in April.
The majority to which they refer is not the larger population. It’s the few who are in positions of power over the people. Even in a democracy, when the people aren’t vigilant.