Virtue attracts

Here’s the bad news we all know: this culture has ‘shock jocks’ making millions of dollars because numbed-down consciences accept obscenity, which fuels the success of obscene pop culture entertainment, which generates behavior that debases people and especially young people….and it seems out of control.

The good news is that some people realize they can at least control themselves, and thus be an appealing example to anyone who’s weary of living a debased lifestyle and tired of…hurting. Wendy Shalit brings her fresh light into this dark arena with her new book “Girl’s Gone Mild.” Mona Charen’s review summarizes some of the reasons this book could be called a rescue manual for our young women….and youngest of girls…bombarded by the media and marketing world with brainwashing about sexuality.

In fact, Shalit argues, all of this advice and deprogramming aimed at women is necessary because women do not by nature thrive on casual, meaningless sexual encounters. They crave emotional intimacy and fidelity — desires the women’s magazines are at pains to quash in the name of maturity…

The good news is that a small but significant backlash is underway. Eleven-year-old Ella Gunderson became a minor celebrity when she wrote to Nordstrom complaining that she could not find a pair of jeans that didn’t show her underwear. Sixteen-year-old Taylor Moore travels the country advising girls to follow their dreams. She tells them, “There’s nothing wrong with being a good girl . . . . You put yourself in a position of being a girl who’s classy and having dignity, and eventually people will treat you as such.”…

There’s a teenage inspirational speaker who uses the word “dignity”?

The young are reclaiming their values, and the truth about who they are. One of the things they are is the hope of the future.

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