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By just about no account is the movie Angels and Demons rated as good.

Sr. Helena has a very lively review and some unique ideas about it.

Dan Brown has—with the inexplicable help of Hollywood (Howard/Hanks)—created his own genre of film. The “Dan Brown” Genre. That is, fantasy–VERY loosely based on reality—fantasy when Dan Brown says it is, and reality when Dan Brown says it is. Facts be darned. History be darned. And now, science be darned. This new genre could also be called the “Simon Says” Genre.

Hollywood, she says, has bent all the rules for him.

Dan Brown’s (only?) genius is that he has delved into the arcane world of Church history and spouts off supposed factoids that—quite frankly—your best-educated priests, Catholics, theologians WOULD have to look up to ascertain their veracity. Or not.

It’s the more serious version of comedian Stephen Colbert’s “truthiness”, she says, and gives some examples from Wiki to further illustrate the absurdity that’s going on. And define it.

“Truthiness is tearing apart our country, and I don’t mean the argument over who came up with the word…. It used to be, everyone was entitled to their own opinion, but not their own facts. But that’s not the case anymore. Facts matter not at all. Perception is everything. It’s certainty.”—Stephen Colbert

Brown’s Da Vinci Code and this new film are all perception and agenda, and virtually no truth. Except…..the Vatican does happen to be in Rome. 

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