War on Christians
What a way to end Holy Week. Not unlike the original one.
Of the reams of articles out there on the embattled Successors of Peter and the Apostles and the whole Church, some are particularly strong and startling and important to engage. I can’t get them to you fast enough when I find them.
Here’s another one. It’s short and compelling. Take this pull quote…
This war on Christianity would not be so dangerous if the Christians understood what was at stake, but a large number of them join in the general incomprehension.
In my opinion, there’s one word in this piece that leaps off the page in importance. Small and in the middle of a sentence late in the article. But it’s pivotal. The “why” in this line:
But if we understand why he is immovable, then the situation can be taken in hand and there is no need to just wait for the next blow.
That WHY contains volumes. And, in fact, millennia.
Understanding gains context in this MercatorNet piece by the discussion going on in the comments section…