Wasn’t this already obvious?
The other day, the American Psychological Association came out with a ‘finding’ that abortion does not cause significant mental health problems. Which was just wishful thinking on the face of it. There’s even a little passing residual doubt at the end.
But the report also found that many of the more than 150 studies it reviewed had major flaws, and it called for better-designed studies “to help disentangle confounding factors 
It’s those darned confounding factors. Like, being indefensible…
and politically biased...
Rachel M. MacNair, Ph.D. wrote that after close examination of it, she saw “no evidence” that the APA’s report “was actually interested in keeping up with real science.”…
“Setting aside the quality of the study itself,” MacNair wrote, “citing only one study in support of a politically-desired conclusion cannot be explained in any other way than a politically-motivated exercise.”