Well put

I like this. Over at Shouts in the Piazza, Fr. Selvester says what a lot of us are thinking.

OK…calm down everybody. There have clearly been some mistakes made on both sides of this issue. I, like many others find it odd that Muslims constantly claim that Islam is a religion of peace but when anyone criticizes them in even the slightest way, they take to the streets in violent protest. Where is the peace then? I also think it is sad and disgusting that Christians have already been the subject of attacks by Muslims…

Talk about ignorant rage run amok! Is there extra security being posted at the Rome mosque? Probably not. That isn’t necessary. Christians aren’t going to retaliate against Muslims in Italy despite the hate speech coming from the Muslim world towards the Pope.

Then he puts it more succinctly than I’ve been able to do.


Fr., I feel the same way. But would it make any difference? I don’t think so. But you do have some good advice.

Apologies have been made (once again the Church is apologizing which is something NO ONE else ever does when they offend us!) and analysis will continue for weeks but everyone needs to calm down.


Oh, and once again: Calm down.

We’re calm. But how are we going to get those enraged people to listen?

(I’ve said this before, but it bears repeating — to read the speech, go here.)

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