What comes after Plan B?

Don’t know which one we’re on by now, but plans to provide any form of pregnancy prevention in an emergency setting in the ‘morning after’ timeframe have the possibility of ending human life and are thus immoral, the Church teaches.

The thorny issue got pricklier in Connecticut recently with the quick reversal by the bishops from refusing to allow Plan B in Catholic hospitals when the state required it, to suddenly saying ‘okay, it’s acceptable’ and finding a way that it somehow fits in – in in between the lines and explanations – of Church teaching.

But it doesn’t, as LifeSiteNews explains, and they tried to clarify that in Connecticut.

LifeSiteNews.com spoke with Dr. John Shea, a medical doctor who has researched and written extensively on bioethical issues.  Dr. Shea, a member of the Canadian Bioethics Institute confirmed that Plan B, the drug which the CCC has agreed to allow into Catholic hospitals is indeed a morning after pill, and was specifically addressed in the Vatican document where it spoke of a pill containing “only progestogens”…

That document available from the Vatican website ( here: http://www.vatican.va/roman_curia/pontifical_academies/acdli…; ) refers to the morning after pill as “a well-known chemical product (of the hormonal type) which has frequently – even in the past week – been presented by many in the field and by the mass media as a mere contraceptive or, more precisely, as an ’emergency contraceptive’, which can be used within a short time after a presumably fertile act of sexual intercourse.”

The Pontifical Academy for Life voiced a clear prohibition on the use of the morning after pill.  “Consequently, from the ethical standpoint the same absolute unlawfulness of abortifacient procedures also applies to distributing, prescribing and taking the morning-after pill,” said the document. “All who, whether sharing the intention or not, directly co-operate with this procedure are also morally responsible for it.”

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