What kind of question is that?!

This really isn’t worth a blog post, but it’s another example of how big media outlets sometimes don’t sound so…informed. Time magazine has an online story about the purging of major, popular television and news reporting in Venezuala with the title “Is Chavez Stifling the Media?”

Ya’ think?

Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez on Tuesday called opposition news channel Globovision an enemy of the state and said he would do what was needed to stop it from inciting violence, only days after he shut another opposition broadcaster.

Tens of thousands of Venezuelans marched in Caracas in a fourth consecutive day of protests over Chavez’s closure of the RCTV network – a move which has sparked international criticism that the leftist leader’s reforms are undermining democracy…

“This is a country with a single party and a single trade union. Now it appears there is going to be a single channel.”

There’s still a single channel for the good folks of Venezuala. So…what’s the fuss?

(But then, this is the same major news magazine that recently did a cover story about the 100 most influential people in the world, including Osama bin Laden, and somehow didn’t find the president of the United States having as much impact as, say…Tina Fey, Mr. Cartoon and Borat.)

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  • Is it me, or are they getting scarier? It looks as though the stupid folk are taking over….

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