What Planned Parenthood calls “normal”, you may not want in the schools
They call the book “It’s Perfectly Normal”, which is what PP and co. want you and especially your children to think about their business and the lifestyle they support. The American Life League wants you to see for yourself. Trouble is, the video they put up on some streaming video sites was censored for “inappropriate content” because it reveals some of the contents of the book.
Here’s what ALL had to say about it.
“How can anyone claim that this book is appropriate for 10 year olds?” asked Jim Sedlak, vice-president for American Life League. “First, pixilated images and excerpts of the book were rejected by a state prison, and now video-streaming sites are censoring the content of a video containing those pixilated images as well.”
This is material rejected by a state prison, for crying out loud.
“What an irony that censored content from a book intended for 10-year-old children is rejected by a prison, removed from video-streaming sites, and flagged for viewers over the age of 18,” said Sedlak. “We actually have no objection to the actions of the online sites and the prison. We agree that this is not appropriate content.”
Point made. Question is, did the book get into schools and libraries? They sneak in when unsuspecting parents aren’t paying close enough attention. These days, that scrutiny has to be close.