What we memorialize

This day used to be called Decoration Day, because women of the South used to decorate the graves of fallen soldiers after the Civil War, regardless of whether those soldiers had fought for north or south. Which is the point of the day….to honor those who have served, and fallen.

Though it’s a national holiday in the U.S., the need to honor heroes is universal and ancient.

A Memorial Day website has this quote set aside:

“Not only are they commemorated by columns and inscriptions, but there dwells also an unwritten memorial of them, graven not on stone but in the hearts of men.” — Pericles (c. 600 B.C.E.)

When I see veterans, I appreciate them so much. I wonder what they’ve been through, what they’ve seen. How they can come home….those who make it….and live a normal life again, blending in with countless folks who have no idea what heroes they are and don’t ever think of what has gone on through the decades to keep us free to go to malls and movie theaters and fast food places and have barbecues…..and express opposition to war in safety with respect to the laws of the land.

Many people are filled with gratitude and want to express it. Here’s a letter posted online:

“This weekend I’m going to do something different. I’m going to buy some carnations and go to a nearby cemetery and walk through the section for soldiers. When I find a grave that has no flowers, I’ll leave one and say a prayer for the family of that person, who for some reason could not bring their soldier flowers. I’ll pray for our country and all who serve or have served. For their families, who also serve by losing precious time spent with their loved ones who are off serving, preserving peace and the freedom we have in this country. I’ll pray for the families who paid the ultimate price, who’s loved ones died, or were taken captive and never returned. I’ll pray for anyone who may still be held captive and thinks maybe they’re forgotten. I do NOT forget.

At least 10 million people a month visit online memorials. That’s awesome. Here’s one. Here’s another. And there are so many more…

Like this reminder: Every Day’s Memorial Day.

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  • This is so true. How many through the years have given their lives so we can live our lives in peace. And how many have given their lives to save their buddies so they could proper and have children and die fulfilled. We must never forget those who serve us in this special way, and the families who give so much to us through their children.

    I like this youtube video…


    I have a friend from Georgia who until she was 14 did not know that Damn Yankee was not all one word! I know the legend of Decoration Day but I kinda maybe feel that more Rebel soldiers got flowers than Yankees did. Just sayin’ …

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