What words reveal…

Late this morning, President Barack Obama held a press conference heading into an afternoon session with Congressional members on how to apportion the spending starting this week on the economy.

I caught this…..In the middle of a statement Obama was making upholding the need for this spending, he said the unemployed need it to ensure continued health care coverage, the seniors need it won’t have to worry about access to their most basic needs, and…

pregnant women won’t have to worry about the health of their babies…

as Obama put it.

Which made me wonder, simply, does someone who uses that language realize that when they rightfully admit that a pregnant woman has a baby to worry about…the euphemistic term “choice’ deprives that baby’s humanity? And to uphold laws that allow people to end that baby’s life is completely contradictory to the adovcacy to provide women carrying that baby’s life the financial means to care for it? To the point of making that a selling point of the new spending package…?!

Just wondering.

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  • Abortion has contradictory views from all sides. I find it confounding that people who call themselves pro-life can, at the same time, have no problem giving the state the right to decide the destiny of people who have committed a capital crime, yet be abhorred when the state, in reciprocity, allows each woman the right to judge the fate of her charge as well. We hold all lives sacred, but, it seems some lives are more sacred than others. Even some rabbis will allow for an abortion when a woman’s life is in danger since the fetus is in effect pursuing the woman with the intent to kill! I think what Obama is saying here is that the status of the fetus as human is in the eyes of the woman and not him nor the government. If the person in the womb is considered so by the person who is it’s charge, that child will have the best care we, as humans, can provide to help both mother and child. Obama is also saying here that if all women believe that life begins at conception, all women will have proper care for their children before and after birth. Pro-life supporters should rejoice that he believes proper care should be ensured to all lives. They should also realize their role is to convince women with child that life begins where it does. A daunting responsibility but pro-lifers are up to the task.

  • “…the status of the fetus as human is in the eyes of the woman…”

    This statement says that humanity is in the eye of the beholder. That is a truly terrifying prospect, which would allow me to kill someone simply by stating my belief that he is not human. Those are the mental gymnastics one needs to jump through to justify abortion. That is not a world I desire.

  • I was perched to make this point, but hoping a reader would take it on. Thank you, Scott.

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