What’s the real political message?

Sen. Sam Brownback has an opinion piece in WaPo saying what we all know, but from the inside perspective of a recent presidential candidate.

Message is all-important. I believe the biggest threat to our future as a movement is a negative public face, when we don’t project a welcoming and hopeful message based on an authentic faith. The future of the conservative movement in our country will be strong if we can be moved by genuine faith and love for mankind, but not by political power.

On the campaign trail I talked about being pro-life and whole-life. This is, first and foremost, recognition of the fundamental dignity of every human person. It says that every person, at every stage and in every place, is a beautiful and unique child of God. It says that every life, everywhere, has value and is worth fighting for.

I think this is a winning message. Unfortunately, the GOP primary process this year, as in times past, has been more focused on “electability” than message. I believe that’s the wrong focus.

Recent history has shown that, as a party, when we focus on message, we win; when we get bogged down with questions about which personality is most “electable,” we lose.

At the moment, these frequent debates – for both parties – are all political and all about who is most electable and why we should vote against the other guys when someone gets a live mic for a few minutes. As I said here the other day (okay, Peggy Noonan said it, I affirmed it), we are dispirited by it all right now.

Sen. Brownback is not dispirited. He is encouraging.

The pro-life message is both hopeful and winning. We know that America is better than abortion. We ought to work for a society where the strong protect the weak and every child, in every circumstance, is welcomed and cared for. The truth of our message is undermined, however, if we are not among the first to support adoption and assist pregnant women in difficult circumstances. We must support women in every way we can.

The pro-life and whole-life message does not stop with abortion. It embraces the child in Darfur, the woman struggling in poverty, the child born with Down syndrome, the man in prison and even the immigrant…

The fundamental truth of human dignity can shed light on every issue.

Never mind that the big, elite media won’t let the debate go there or stay there if it wanders that way. This is the year of the grassroot. It’s what you’re doing about that fundamental truth that will make all the difference.

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