When the facts change

There are several stories in the news these days that involve expected scenarios not playing out as expected. And then political agendas of people with vested interest in the expected outcome being so thrown off….they’re willing to defy truth and logic (and good citizens) to deny what’s happened.

The Irish vote on the Lisbon Treat is one case in point. (And that’s continued to go through new contortions during the EU Summit.)

Then there’s the Haditha case, the aggressive lawsuit against a Marine that was finally settled by the Thomas More Law Center, that got none of the coverage in its resolution that it received from big media and big politicians in its prosecution.

And as Michael Barone points out, the Iraq surge has posed some of these people a problem, too. Michael Barone is one of the most knowledgeable political analysts I know of doing this kind of work. He’s usually number crunching and reporting rather dry, non-partisan demographic and trending stuff. He watches and reports on cultural trends. I trust his information, because he is fair, and he gets his facts right.

So he expects others to do the same. Especially prominent politicians.

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