Where has reporting gone?

Tuned in to CNN on a weekend evening looking for news coverage. It was probably there…moments before and after I landed on the network, but in those moments, they were covering a cross-section of Tweets coming in on Twitter. Then they promoted their presence on Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, and something else I didn’t catch.

Visceral reaction……if the mainstream media is having such financial problems they’re laying off editorial staff, how in the world are they finding the time to do these ancillary social communications networking things in addition to real news coverage?

One answer may be that it appears Don Lemon never goes home. And…those who are still employed in the news media are tasked with many more duties than ever before (blogging, twittering, social networking, Blackberry checking every few seconds….) At the expense of solid journalism, by necessity, sometimes (with respect to all who do all of the above, especially when they’re required to).

This applies to all the networks. I can see this makes people feel connected. But does this make us informed?

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  • I wish “social networking” would just go away. It trivializes communicatiuon and relationships.

    I was on Facebook for a week. In that time, I had a half dozen people invite me to be their “friend” that I hadn’t seen since 7th grade and didn’t even like at that time. Since I ditched the site, I had a few people who I’d met recently invite me to be their “friend” but, when I told them I wasn’t on Facebook but would love to meet up with them some time, I didn’t hear anything back. Apparently they just wanted to be my “friend” and not, you know, actually see me or anything. I guess I just don’t want to be among the social networking elite where I count my “friends” as a digit in a counter.

    Twitter? Facebook? MySpace? No thanks. I’ll stick with making friends the old fashioned way like, you know, actually talking to them, seeing them, and hanging out with them.

    Human contact. What a concept. Crazy, I know.

  • Don Lemon should go home, not only for his rest, but to give us a rest, as well. I recall his smirks during “unbiased reporting” on Sarah Palin during the last election. Oh, well. So much for CNN, the Clinton News Network.

    God bless,

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