Which makes atheists angrier?

The fact that the Nativity display is being seen by the public….

…or the fact that their display is not?

Sorry we missed it last week, but what with the Tribune Co. bankruptcy and that Blagojevich thing, we kind of took our eye off the critical issue of the day: The War on Christmas. It seems the latest front has opened in our own state capital, Springfield.

Responding to the installation of a nativity scene in the Illinois Capitol rotunda, the Freedom from Religion Foundation has put up a sign espousing atheism.

“There are no gods, no devils, no angels, no heaven or hell,” reads the proclamation, festively decked with drawings of boughs of holly. “There is only our natural world.”

And if you didn’t quite catch the disdain, the message signs off with this believer crowd-pleaser: “Religion is but myth and superstition that hardens hearts and enslaves minds.”

Maybe because everyone was so busy last week trying to decipher all the profanity in the Gov. Rod Blagojevich criminal complaint that no one stopped to ask, “Is nothing sacred?”

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