While all the media focus on the Democrats on this crucial primary day

Let’s take a look at the campaign of Sen. John McCain, while few are paying attention.

Like, how does he see the battle between the Democrats?

John McCain and his aides wouldn’t say Tuesday whether they wanted Hillary Rodham Clinton to win the Pennsylvania Democratic primary, though some clearly relished the prospect of an ongoing stand-off between her and Barack Obama.
“We’re for anything that keeps it going,” said McCain senior adviser Mark McKinnon.

Senior McCain adviser Mark Salter smiled while saying, “we don’t want to intrude on their process. We want them to carefully deliberate their choices.”

McCain rejected the notion that a Clinton victory Tuesday would benefit his candidacy, saying he is “absolutely neutral” about who his Democratic opponent should be this fall.

McCain has been honing his diplomatic skills lately.

Although Dick Morris sees another transformation in McCain’s strategy.

After he won the nomination, it seemed that he would continue fighting the Republican primaries forever. Bowing to the dictate to make peace with the fiscal conservatives who opposed him, he kept his sword sheathed and his mouth shut.

But this week, the old John McCain began to re-emerge. Articulating what tens of millions of Americans feel, he blamed the “greedy” of Wall Street for causing the current economic problems. He noted that it was their insatiable desire to get rich quick that led to the sub-prime frenzy that undermined sound economic growth and created a speculative bubble that had to burst. And he said that, as always, it is the little guy who will pay the price when a recession hits, while the greedy who caused it make out, well, like bandits.

This is precisely the kind of populist rhetoric that John McCain needs to embrace to have a chance to win the general election.

Meanwhile, everyone else is focused on the chances Obama and Clinton have of winning the primary today in Pennsylvania, which will be clear soon enough.

But this is interesting in the meantime. Some report Obama saying Clinton should win big

Obama said Monday he is “not predicting a win” in Pennsylvania, and his memo Tuesday said “by rights (Clinton) should win big,” adding that Obama has nevertheless run his campaign in earnest.

…while others carry the remarks Clinton has been making (kind of taunting remarks) saying Obama should win big if money buys influence. After all, he has outraised her about 3 to 1, and at least doubled her spending on ads.

“I think maybe the question ought to be, why can’t he close the deal with his extraordinary financial advantage? Why can’t he win a state like this one if that’s the way it turns out … big states, states that Democrats have to win.” 

It’s all spin, and the best thing about election day is hearing, finally, what the people have to say.

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