Who the students support

The pro-life students….who took this poll…

Republican presidential candidate Sam Brownback and likely candidate Fred Thompson are the winners of a straw poll conducted by a pro-life group for college students. Students for Life of America asked 635 pro-life college students about their preferences for the primary and general elections.

Leave it to the students to ask the right questions, and listen for the answers.

Students for Life of America director Kristan Hawkins told LifeNews.com that the candidates who fared best in the straw poll seemed to be ones who have most strongly emphasized their pro-life views.

“It’s interesting that some campaigns who have made outreach to young pro-life voters aren’t seeing those results in this survey,” Hawkins said.

“Why is an undeclared candidate beating the rest of these candidates who have been spending so much money on outreach? Something’s wrong in their campaigns if they can’t win this section of the population, who will be critical in the Iowa and South Carolina primaries,” she explained.

“These candidates need to take my pro-life principles seriously, or they won’t automatically get my vote,” KatieRynn Hickman, president of Young Pro-Life Virginia, added.

“The contenders should not only talk pro-life, but they also need to vote the right way. Kerry was Catholic and managed the lose the Catholic vote to a Methodist because he was so radically pro-abortion,” she said.

Hawkins said the good news for the pro-life movement is that polling data shows the next generation of Americans is pro-life.

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  • How about Ron Paul? No way will I or any of my family support Sam Brownback! His voting record is poor, check it out. He is wrong on immigration (amnesty), wrong on this infernal war in Iraq, and wrong on a lot of other issues. Ron Paul is pro-life, voted againt going into Iraq, voted against the Patriot Act, and is in favor of the Health Freedom Act, among many other of his positions that I support.
    I voted for Bush twice and he has been an unmitigated disaster, even if mainstream conservatives don’t want to acknowledge it. Take the blinders off! He is paving the way for 8 more years of the Hill and Bill dog and pony show.
    My family includes 3 ex-Marines of Vietnam and later vintage and we also have uncles who served proudly in the second world war. But all of us felt it was wrong to go into Iraq and our fears are being borne out.
    Somehow, the war on terror is co-opting the pro-life movement and we will see in the coming months ahead how many pro-lifers (or at least, people who call themselves pro-life) will compromise their values and vote for someone like Giuliani because he will keep them “safe”. When influential conservatives like Laura Ingraham, Cal Thomas, Rush, and others tell us that we may have to hold our noses and vote for Giuliani if he is the Republican, what does that tell us about the state of the pro-life movement in this country? Be honest now!
    Ron Paul is my ideal candidate, while Sam Brownback is not, but neither one will survive the primaries and next year, if a Giuliani is the nominee, many of us will vote 3rd party or sit out the election.

    Chris Rademacher

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