Whoever controls the language…

…controls thought. Josef Pieper wrote a great little book on that called Abuse of Language, Abuse of Power and though it’s decades old now, it explains what happened in yesterday’s election in Missouri and South Dakota.

In a word, deception.

Over on the right column, click on ‘abortion’ and ‘bioethics’ to learn about all the ways the initiatives in those two states were driven by campaigns of disinformation. In Missouri, over $30 million was spent in advertising by the supporters of the embryonic stem cell/cloning amendment, nearly all by the very people who stand to make billions of dollars on that biotech industry setting up headquarters in that state for the future. And they drummed home the phrase ‘stem cell research’ without the distinction that it was embryonic they wanted, and not adult or cord blood stem cells. It was all deception.

As it was in South Dakota. But I’ve written so much here, it would be a repetition to go over it now. Here’s part of a letter I received from Carl in Florida today, and I’ll bet he speaks for a lot of you.

After expressing a lot of concern over what this election means for the forces of life and the ‘forces of death’, Carl ends with this:

If Roe v Wade were to be overturned today we will have to go through what
South Dakota just went through in 49 other states.. The lies and
misrepresentations will flow from the anti – life people.  If South Dakota
is an indication of what is to come –we have our work cut out ..We will
have to educate the people in 49 other states.

More and more Bishops will have to do what Bishop Morlino did. Catholics
need to be educated on voting pro life STILL.

It is a work in progress….Will GOD wait?….How much longer?  or will
America be punished for their vote yesterday.

We will see, Carl, what consequences America will face from that vote. I realize today that it has become more important than ever to step up the so-called ‘alternative media’ and promote the message of truth, because it’s available, but the majority of the news consuming public doesn’t know where to turn for it.

If you’re here, you know that blogs have the ability to get their message out without filtering by editors and producers with a liberal agenda. For each good website and blog that you already visit, trust the ones they link to, usually found along the side of the page. From there, it exponentially grows into a whole network of connected sources of good, thorough, honest and accurate information.

I’ve been doing reporting and analysis in recent times on The Drew Mariani Show, and will be on again Friday (11/9) on Morning Air with Sean Herriot and Wendy Weise. The shows are archived on Relevant Radio, so you can listen to audio streaming of any of their good shows. Bishop Morlino was on this week, after the Sunday he made sure his entire diocese was well informed of voting with a well formed conscience. We’re all going to step up our efforts to get ‘out there’ with the truth, and hold people accountable.

Carl, the people of traditional values and principles have a lot of work to do. It starts anew today. I’m ready.

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