It’s Daylight Savings Time again
Jesus asks ‘who of you by worrying can add a single hour to your life?’ and I try to remember that fairly often. But it came to mind again as I found myself grumbling about turning the clocks ahead this weekend…
A lot of people don’t like this twice-a-year ritual, especially the ‘Spring Ahead’ one when we must set our digitals ahead an hour suddenly while our body clocks take weeks to catch up. Even animals suffer over this.
A bit of grogginess and even grumpiness is to be expected when losing precious snoozing time, but in recent years scientific studies have raised alarm about even harsher side effects. Could Daylight Savings Time be the culprit behind heart attacks, traffic accidents and cranky cows?…
For several years, Indiana dairy farmers argued that having to milk the cows an hour earlier caused them to lose sleep and produce less milk.
Stories like this are turning up in more media this weekend, which indicates to me that some journalists don’t like it any more than I do. And this one even gets to blame it on Bush. Sort of. But he only moved the date to move the clocks.
The author of all time asks us to be more concerned with how we use what we’ve got.