Why don’t those protestors just ignore the pope?
The ones wearing the “No to Pope” t-shirts and agitating against Church teachings at World Youth Day in Australia. Why bring condoms and coat hangers and anger and hostility to a huge celebration by young people of joy and faith….that they disagree with and consider illegitimate or irrelevant? Why don’t they laughingly just go their merry way doing their deeds and ignore the pope and the crowds? Hmm???
Because, as I’ve always said on my radio shows, the pope is the moral compass of the world. He is the most visible and influential voice of teaching authority on the globe, teaching what the Golden Rule still means (as he did at the United Nations) as a most basic message and how the natural law upholds the dignity and sanctity of each person.
The prime minister of the Tibetan government-in-exile has told Asia News the same thing.
“Pope Benedict XVI is asking the youth of the world to go against the currents that are sweeping away values and human dignity. My prayer is that people understand his advice and implement it, because it will make a difference in the world and help to bring about a civilisation of love”.
And Professor Samdhong Rinpoche continued.
“I understand that more than 50,000 youth from all continents are attending WYD. For me this is a big sign that the pope is the moral compass for the youth of the world. Youth are the future of humanity, and the pope is infusing them with values and principles of faith and morality. This can be the starting point to change the future of humanity, because only the power of youth can change humanity for the better”.
Way more than 50,000. And by this weekend, that number is going to be way higher.
It would be interesting to hear follow-up on how that protest works out for the ‘No-Pope’ folks at this event.