Why is it necessary to deceive?

To form public opinion, steer people away from things you don’t want them to know, and fabricate stories that aren’t true to make them think things are……what you want them to be. This applies to Planned Parenthood and NARAL, by the way.

Pro-life Wisconsin has a news release out calling on them to tell the truth about one of those fabrications. I don’t see this up yet at their site,  so I’ll pass it along here:

Pro-Life Wisconsin is asking NARAL Pro-Choice Wisconsin (NARAL) and Planned Parenthood Advocates of Wisconsin (PPAW) to retract and correct false and defamatory statements published and aired about the organization and its executive director, Peggy Hamill.  The statements expressly name Pro-Life Wisconsin and Peggy Hamill as attendees and celebrants of a July 28 event in Milwaukee organized to commemorate Paul Hill’s 1994 murder of a Florida abortionist including a reenactment of the day of the murder and a memorial honoring Hill. 

That act and any memorial honoring it is abhorrent. The vast majority of pro-life people would say the same, including Peggy Hamill. 

“The statements that I was present or participated in the event as well as their interpretation that I or Pro-Life Wisconsin approve of or condone murder are totally false and defamatory,” said Hamill.  “Pro-Life Wisconsin is a peaceful, prayerful organization that calls on God’s grace to change hearts and minds toward an unconditional love for His most precious preborn children.  We oppose violence against the preborn, and we oppose violence against those who perform abortions or participate in the abortion industry.  Violence only begets violence, fueling a never-ending cycle of destruction which coarsens our culture instead of healing it.”

Here’s the real story:

Mrs. Hamill and her husband were near the abortion mill earlier in the day, their personal van parked around on a side street, praying the rosary on behalf of the babies, as is their custom every Saturday. They intentionally left the area well in advance, to avoid the re-enactment event, and by the time it was scheduled, 11:00 a.m., they were miles away.

Here’s the deceit:

“PPAW even went so far as to shoot a video of me praying the rosary well before the reenactment event began and then splice it into their video of the event to make it appear as if I were a participant,” said Hamill.  “Such action cannot be passed off as a mistake, but rather a calculated effort to smear my name and that of my organization.  This shameful deceit deserves an apology.  I could not be more proud to represent Pro-Life Wisconsin and the thousands of families who pray and work daily for an end to the violence of abortion.  It is nothing less than appalling that NARAL and PPAW would falsely portray a peace-seeking organization as promoters of violence and death.  I do hope these organizations avail themselves of this opportunity to fully retract their damaging statements,” said Hamill.

If they do, I’ll be glad to report it here.

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