Will the real Islam….

please stand up. Is it a religion of peace, or a religion of warlike jihad? There are so many conflicting claims and ideas within it, but the voices speaking the loudest for it are angry and hostile. We hear of men — or boys — shouting ‘God is great’ right before murdering someone, or blowing up a crowd.

I caught an interview this week on one of the evening Fox News shows with an intelligent, reasoned young Muslim man criticizing the radical Muslim extremists defining his religion before the whole world. When pressed on why there aren’t more voices like his out there, he said they want to speak but the news media won’t cover them. I don’t think the media are actually finding them!

But the MSM are certainly covering the radicals. Trouble is, they (the media folks) don’t tend to question what they’re hearing and seeing enough. Like this, from CNN:

Authorities were investigating the motives of Molotov cocktail attacks on three churches in the West Bank city of Nablus, following a day of Palestinian protests against the pope’s remarks.

Outside the Palestinian Embassy in Jakarta, police looked on as protesters stood behind the gates waving flags while organizer Heri Budianto shouted, “God is great.” (Watch other Muslims burn the pope in effigy…

So are these folks trying to show the world what Islam is really all about?

At that last line of the CNN piece above, they give you the opportunity to click and watch the “Muslims burn the pope in effigy.” The news site also gives you the opportunity to click on a link to “watch crowds shout protests” against the pope. What they did NOT give you, dear reader, is the chance for edification with any link to the Pope’s actual address. So I’ll do it here. (Scroll down and see the dialogue it has generated so far on CWNews.)

What the CNN story did link to, at least, was the latest statement from Vatican Secretary of State, Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone. Read it, and then read this expert analysis by Samir Khalil Samir SJ on Asia News, because he nails it.

Negative reactions in the Arab and Muslim world to the remarks made by Benedict XVI at Regensburg University are exaggerated and misplaced. Protest marches are being organised everywhere in ways that bring to mind what happened in the wake of the publication of the blasphemous Muhammad cartoons. But one thing is clear. No one, and I mean NO ONE, has fully read what the Pope said.

Click the link above for the Pope’s actual address, and be among the minority of broad-minded, intellectually honest people of goodwill who want to know the truth.

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